Tim and Pam Manthei with their grandchildren
The History of Sky Valley Ministries
The chapel ministry of Sky Valley Resorts is rooted in the RV culture. RVer’s love community get-togethers, and from the beginning the chapel ministry has been a catalyst for creating a warm, loving and inviting community.
It all began in the late 1970’s when Mary and Ted Manthei were interested in supporting Christian missionaries. They had moved from Huntington Beach, CA to Sky Valley to spend their winters. Occasionally they would ask one of the missionaries they had become acquainted with to come out and share about the work they were doing overseas. On Sunday they invited their RV and mobile home friends to join them, and they created a little chapel service.
People were encouraged by these occasional gatherings, so Mary asked Tim (Ted and Mary’s son) if he could find a more consistent leader. Several years earlier Tim had attended a short course at California Lutheran Bible School in Los Angeles. So he asked the founder of the Bible school, Maynard Force, if he’d be willing to come out and lead a chapel service during the winter of 1980. Maynard said he’d give one month. People responded so enthusiastically that the next year he gave two months, and the third year he gave three months. During this time Sky Valley Resorts grew rapidly, doubling in size. Both the activities and chapel programs flourished. Several hundred people were attending the chapel program on Sunday morning.
In 1986 Sky Valley Ministries was incorporated as a 501C3 non-profit and expanded to the new Caliente Springs Resort. At the same time Grace Church in Desert Hot Springs was also started by a group of families for the year-round residents and to reach into a hurting community.
Eventually the chapel services lasted through the whole winter season. Several different chaplains were recruited and served, starting with Maynard Force (the
namesake of Force Hall in Sky Valley West), then Jim Hubbard served from 1991-2005, during which time many different facets of the chapel ministry were added. George Cooper (2005-10), Don Marienthal (2010-11), and Walt East (2012-23) followed, while Dick Lever, Dave Rapske and Ken Ratcliffe (2016-present) pioneered the chapel at Caliente Springs. In February 2023 Nick Twomey joined as Lead Chaplain overseeing the entire chapel ministry, as well as leading the expansion of Sky Valley Ministries into new resorts.
Through the years the chapel has interacted with the activities program and general life of the resorts to provide the beauty and flavor of the historic Christian faith to the resort community. From Sunday morning worship to block parties to fire pit concerts to mission trips and local outreach events, the chapel ministry at Sky Valley Resorts continues to thrive. It is a history that is still unfolding. Come join us!
Ted Manthei
Mary Manthei